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Dec 3, 2023
Jeffrey Dahmer’s mother demanded his brain was removed for controversial autopsy
Joyce Flint insisted that her eldest son's brain to be donated to science in the hope of finding out what propelled him to depths of evil.

Aug 21, 2023
Twisted doctor Carl Tanzler dug up his dead patient Elena and made her his corpse bride
The horrible true story of Carl Tanzler, a wrinkly old doctor who had a necrophile relationship with his DEAD 22-year-old patient.

Mar 28, 2023
The raunchy confessions of a female necrophile will make you feel sick
Karen Greenlee, a self-proclaimed 'morgue rat' stole a man's body from his grieving family and sped off with it in the back of a hearse.

Dec 27, 2022
Ed Kemper hated his mum so much he cut her head off and had sex with it
After Edmund Kemper killed and decapitated his mother, he tore out her vocal cords and shoved them down the waste disposal.

Nov 21, 2022
Jerry Brudos killed four women and kept their feet and shoes as trophies
Serial killer Jerry Brudos, stalked and killed women, keeping their feet and shoes as sexual trophies.

Oct 30, 2022
Jeffrey Dahmer wore yellow contact lenses to hunt for victims - like Star Wars' Emperor Palpatine
Jeffrey Dahmer was so obsessed with Star Wars baddie Emperor Palpatine that he wore yellow contact lenses when he went looking for victims.

Oct 30, 2022
Where are Jeffrey Dahmer’s Polaroids? Graphic murder photos from Milwaukee Cannibal’s apartment
Even if Jeffrey Dahmer hadn’t admitted to the murder of 17 young men, there was plenty of evidence to prove otherwise - stacks of...

Oct 30, 2022
Dennis Nilsen shared his private thoughts about Jeffrey Dahmer - and their very similar murders
Dennis Nilsen and Jeffrey Dahmer are often called the British/American equivalents of one another.

Jan 8, 2022
Ed Kemper’s brother fears he will hunt him down and kill him if he is ever released
Ed Kemper's brother lives in fear that his huge murderous sibling will use his IQ to get out of prison... and hunt him down and kill him.
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